Erasmus Policy Statement
  /    /  Erasmus Policy Statement

Mission and goals of the university:

Our practical university strives to provide quality practical education that enables students to gain the practical skills and work experience necessary to function successfully in the labor market. Our goals also include promoting international cooperation and exchange of experiences to enrich the education of our students. The goal of participation in the Erasmus program for the University of Linguistics and Technology is both the development of the university and active participation in the creation of the European Education Area. The University, as an active and responsible institutional participant in public life, in addition to strengthening its own potential, role and position, strives to achieve goals that constitute the common good. These include strengthening European identity in all its richness, through education and culture. Such goals also include promoting sustainable economic growth and civilizational development, as well as the solidarity and equitable distribution of the benefits of such development.


As a university committed to fostering an open, innovative and market-responsive educational environment and international collaboration, we are enthusiastic about our participation in the Erasmus+ Programme, aiming to gradually integrate Key Action 1 (KA1) and Strategic Partnerships from Key Action 2 (KA2) into the fabric of our institution in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and our university development strategy and internationalisation agenda. Our strategy for participating in KA1 centres around enhancing our students’ learning experiences and professional competencies through international exposure and developing our staff’s pedagogical skills and training methodologies.


Student Mobility for Studies and Traineeships: We plan to actively engage in student mobility both for studies and traineeships by establishing partnerships with European HEI. Our objective is to create a structured framework that enables students to gain academic credits in partner universities while ensuring the transferability and recognition of their studies upon their return. We have established a dedicated office to facilitate the mobility process, providing guidance and support from pre-departure to reintegration. This will include language preparation, cultural orientation, and logistical assistance to maximise the educational impact of the mobility experience. Our aim is to evoke interest of international students in spending part of their academic experience at LTU, thanks to which home students and staff will benefit from a more diverse, multicultural community, developing language skills and learning to study and work in international teams. As for our outgoing students, one of our objectives is to encourage the “non-traditional students” (e.g. over 30-year-old students, students in full-time employment) to participate in the programme and support them in this process.


Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training: For staff mobility, we aim to promote the exchange of expertise and innovative teaching practices. Our approach includes both sending our staff abroad for teaching and professional development and welcoming international staff to our campus. We will organise regular workshops and seminars to share the knowledge gained from these exchanges, thus continuously improving our academic standards and internationalising our curriculum. The mobility of administrative staff will also be promoted as an important part of personal and professional development, an opportunity to improve language skills and intercultural competence, and a chance to bring forth and implement new solutions and approaches. It will also contribute to the institutional capacity building.

Blended Intensive Programmes: We plan to incorporate Blended Intensive Programmes as a new dimension of international education. These will combine short-term physical mobility with virtual components, offering a flexible yet immersive international learning experience. LTU will develop specialised courses in collaboration with European partners, focusing on interdisciplinary issues of global importance.


Key Action 2 (KA2) – Partnerships for Cooperation: Our strategic partnerships will aim to develop projects that tackle societal issues, support innovation in pedagogy, and promote the internationalisation of our curriculum. We will integrate Erasmus+ priorities such as digital education, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion into these initiatives. Furthermore, we plan to engage in projects that support the development of entrepreneurial skills among students and staff, in line with the EU’s emphasis on fostering innovation and economic growth. Theme and content-wise we intend to prioritise projects and activities that: (a) foster innovation in teaching and learning and promote digital education by the integration of digital tools and methodologies in teaching and learning processes to improve digital literacy and readiness for the digital transformation;

(b) support inclusion and diversity through ensuring that education is accessible to all, regardless of background, and promoting the social, educational, and economic inclusion of all learners by enabling the participation in education of disadvantaged groups (e.g. the disabled, the elderly, immigrants, etc.) and facilitating their integration into the life of local communities;

(c) promote cross-sector cooperation between government institutions, NGOs, local business, and other stakeholders to develop tools and strategies and enhance the creation of new curricula tailored to the requirements of the labour market;

(d) support students, academic and administrative staff in developing cultural sensitivity and intercultural competence skills; develop media literacy skills by teaching critical thinking and providing tools, mechanisms, and skills necessary for reliable source vs. fake news identification, dealing with cyberbullying and online hate speech;

(e) promote environmental sustainability and climate education in line with the European Green Deal;

(f) encourage active citizenship and civic engagement particularly in the context of European values and democracy;

(g) enhance job skills and employability by ensuring that education and training systems are adapted to the evolving labour market demands;

(h) promote healthy lifestyles and enhance well-being through education, including mental health support and physical activity; Upon receiving the ECHE, we will prioritise concluding new agreements with European partners, which will lay the groundwork for an exchange of students, staff, and administrative personnel.


Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme is pivotal for our university, aligning with our mission to promote international mobility, inclusivity, and educational innovation.

Our policy objectives resonate with Erasmus+ core values, and we aim to:

(1) Foster international mobility and cooperation: Through Erasmus+, we’ll expand our global engagement, creating an active exchange network for students and staff. This will expose our academic community to diverse cultures, enhancing their appreciation beyond academic learning. We’re committed to advocating for mobility for all employees, simplifying procedures, and promoting new opportunities through campaigns. This will facilitate international partnerships and collaborative projects;

(2) Promote inclusive education and accessibility: We ensure an inclusive environment, offering financial, technical, and psychological support, including scholarships for disabled students. Our infrastructure is disability-friendly, and we provide communication support systems. Erasmus+ will broaden opportunities for disabled students’ international mobility, enhancing their educational experience;

(3) Enhance quality of education: Our curriculum innovation responds to job market demands, and Erasmus+ will help modernise it. Faculty training in innovative teaching methodologies and language instruction will be a focus. New study programs in foreign languages will address global challenges;

(4) Strengthen industry and academia collaboration: We’ve established a Business Council with industry representatives and plan to integrate practical experiences into our curriculum through Erasmus+. Internships, applied diploma projects, and conferences will bridge academia and industry, ensuring students are job-ready;

(5) Engage with local and global community: Our Educational Business Incubator promotes local entrepreneurship, and Erasmus+ will amplify this engagement. Partnerships with local NGOs and associations will drive regional development and social innovation. We aim to spotlight outgoing students’ contributions on an international stage;

(6) Foster digital transformation: Erasmus+ will enable us to exchange technology and innovation experiences with global peers. Digitalisation of mobility procedures, including administrative processes, will streamline operations. We’ll also focus on online exchanges, enhancing digital skills and adaptability;

(7) Promote sustainability and environmental responsibility: Sustainability is integral to our identity. Erasmus+ will enhance our sustainable practices by sharing innovative eco-friendly approaches. We’ll host events and forums to disseminate sustainability concepts, increasing our social impact;

(8) Foster career development, employability skills, and entrepreneurship support: Erasmus+ will expand our career services, offering international internships, networking opportunities, and entrepreneurship training. It will equip students with practical English language skills and global perspectives, preparing them for the job market. Upon receiving ECHE certification, the implementation of Erasmus actions will reflect our institutional strategy discussed above and involve:

(a) establishing new agreements: Agreements finalised with European institutions that share our goals and commitment to diversity and innovation will serve as the foundation for our Erasmus+ activities;

(b) mobility projects: We will launch mobility projects for students and staff, making sure they align with our academic calendar and strategic goals;

(c) curriculum internationalisation: Our curriculum will be evaluated and adapted to incorporate international perspectives;

(d) staff development: Faculty and administrative staff will be encouraged to participate in mobility for teaching and training, bringing back diverse experiences to enhance our institution’s teaching and administrative processes;

(e) strategic partnerships: We will engage in KA2 strategic partnerships that focus on innovation in education and societal challenges, aligning with our research priorities and contributing to the EU’s goals;

(f) regular evaluations and feedback loops with all stakeholders to continuously refine our approach;

(g) fostering an institutional culture that values internationalisation and lifelong learning. LTU’s Erasmus+ Programme initiatives align with our strategic goals and the EU’s renewed higher education agenda, aiming to enhance job creation, social cohesion, and respect for European identity. These efforts support our commitment to addressing employability skills gaps, promoting an inclusive education system, and fostering innovation.


Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will significantly impact students and staff, enhancing professional skills, foreign language proficiency, and overall educational quality. It will strengthen our academic community’s unity and support, and encourage personal growth and multicultural understanding among students. Ultimately, our engagement in Erasmus+ activities will foster a comprehensive approach to education and mobility, contributing to a more integrated, innovative, and internationally focused academic environment. The anticipated impact of our participation is multifaceted and includes:

(a) Institutional modernisation: International collaboration and the adoption of best practice will enable modernisation of our pedagogical approaches, teaching methods, and administrative processes, ensuring they meet European standards of excellence;

(b) Enhanced international presence: Our involvement in Erasmus+ will increase our visibility on the European stage, attracting students and faculty, and fostering a multicultural academic environment;

(c) Quality improvement: The exchange of knowledge and pedagogical innovations will elevate the quality of our educational offer, ensuring it is current, relevant, and of high standard;

(d) Community and industry engagement: Collaborations fostered through Erasmus+ will deepen our ties with industry leaders and community organisations, creating opportunities for applied research and community service;

(e) Sustainable development: By enhancing sustainability already present in our programs, we will contribute to the EU’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable growth;

(f) Building the European Education Area: Our initiatives and collaborations will contribute to fostering a harmonised educational landscape across the continent.

Through Erasmus+, we will participate in and contribute to the development of policies and practices that support educational equity, quality, and innovation.


This Erasmus Policy Statement reflects our commitment to the Erasmus+ program and our pledge to promote mobility, international cooperation and the quality of practical education at our practical university.